Get introduced to Repaircafe and Students4Sustainability at the Maker Faire Delft. They will work together in the field of circular economy – focus on clothing repair and the repair of electrical appliances – and show that more can be recycled and fixed than you think.
Soon it will be possible to buy your tickets for this awesome making spectacle.
We are busy with the Maker Faire Delft program. To make sure it will be a creative and inventive maker festival!
Things we already know that are coming are a Sound Lab, a Boardgame Lab and an Act Lab. Hopefully we can soon add you project to this list.
Are you a Maker and do you finally want to present what you’ve made to the world? Then take part in THE Delft making festival!
Maker Faire Delft will take place on 4 and 5 June 2022. Come and inspire the public and other makers!
We are very curious about all the new products, concepts, installations and workshops that you have all created and made. Show your new concepts and designs to the world.
Sign up as a Maker during the Maker Faire Delft!
Would you like to support the organization and teach Makers? Then sign up as a volunteer! We are looking for volunteers for ticket scanning, host, crew catering, Maker support and audience guidance. Your help is very welcome!
From all over the world, the Maker Faire community is busy looking for ways to support all our makers online: although many face-to-face events have been canceled, the internet offers a great way to showcase projects to anyone is interested in.
That is exactly why the Maker Faire community has given their existing Maker Camp program a new look: on the new online platform you can find awesome new projects, submit new projects, be part of the community or view cool LIVE projects and even participate!
You can register at the Family Maker Camp and share it with your friends, family or team members: together we make the community of creators as big as possible! This free platform celebrates makers and fights boredom by bringing all creators together in one place! Would you like to show your own ideas here, or are you curious to see what others can do? Just take a look at the website and get inspired! #maketogether
Due to the increasing spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 the Maker Faire Delft team has decided with a heavy heart to cancel the Maker Faire Delft. The event should have taken place on June 7th 2020 in the Delft Science Centre.
Why do we cancel?
The RIVM has recently prohibited gatherings up to June 1st. The Maker Faire Delft is now planned on June 7th. Still, we have decided to postpone the event.
Where do we go from here?
We would like to thank everyone who wanted to participate in the Maker Faire Delft. Let’s keep up the spirit and get together in October!
The Maker Faire Delft Crew
Delft Maker Faire | 7 June 2020
The Maker Faire is for everyone who embraces the do-it-yourself spirit and who would like to see or share innovative projects. Makers can join this event to show and share their knowledge and work as an exhibitor, presenter, workshop organizer or performer.
Who are we looking for?
Are you familiar with the latest developments regarding robotics, are you a master at assembling drones or are you a 3D printing artist? Or are you an expert in the field of engineering, science, art, design or craftsmanship? Take your chance and sign up for the first edition of the Maker Faire in Delft.
This call is directed to all makers that are involved in technological innovation, from beginner to professional, for young and old. Please note: the deadline for makers is 13th of April 2020.